Zach Weston

Zach Weston
Subconsciously influenced for 22 years, I picked up a film camera in 2012 and began photographing. I shoot black and white film using a Mamiya RB 6×7, Wista 4×5 and a Pentax 67. I am interested in figure, landscape, and abstract photography. Mainly shooting film, I also use a Canon 6D digital camera to document my travels and life. While a digital camera is a wonderful tool, I thoroughly enjoy the process of film photography and working in the darkroom. While shooting film, I move slower and think about what I am looking at. Black and White film photography is a fading tradition and keeping it alive is important. Working in the darkroom with my dad is very special to me as well. I am a fourth generation black and white film photographer. My great grandfather was Edward Weston, great uncle Brett Weston, grandfather Cole Weston, and father Kim Weston. Photography runs deep in my family, the process excites me and I look forward to pursuing the medium in the years to come.