bead art

Kenji Tanner
Listing Name

To me, painting is a deeply rooted soulful experience to be shared. I am a self taught artist and, although my journey has had many different turns, I have never forsaken my calling. I feel connected to my truth when designing my paintings and that good energy fulfills my life’s purpose.

My Japanese, Jamaican, and African American heritage gives me a wellspring of history to bring to the fore. My paintings are developed by using all types of tools that allow me to keep my childlike approach. I love painting, spraying, sponging, even finger painting acrylics and gels.

My art is inspired by encouraging words from artist Ernie Barnes who told me he too is self taught and to keep improving my techniques, study, and take a bold approach to my work. It also brings me great joy of teaching art to children through the Monterey Arts Council in Monterey, California.